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Photo Taken by Darious Madoc

And find your truth in today's world.

RULE 1: Question why you believe what you believe.

Everything we believe comes from what we’re taught by those around us as we grew up. Those beliefs can go unchecked as we get older, leaving us vulnerable. Ask any 5-year-old if they believe in Santa clause, and you will most likely get a resounding YES!

Fortunately for most of us, we’re informed by our loved ones before were too old that Santa Claus isn’t real, but the same can’t be said for many of the things taught during our childhood. Therefore, question why you believe something, no matter what it is, and open your mind.

RULE 2: Entertain without judgment

Learn to entertain any concept without judgment and you learn to explore new possibilities.

Is the world Flat? Is it Round? To those who believe the earth is flat, the concept of it being round is unimaginable. You may think well, of course the earth is Round, but you dismiss the earth being flat. Why?

What thought did you give to the concept? Do you know it’s round because you traveled to space and circled the globe?

Likely not. See Rule 1

Entertaining without judgment leads you to exploring the concept for its truth.

RULE 3: Accept the mystery.

We can contemplate ideas and search endlessly for answers. The truth may still elude us. We may never know if there’s life after death, reincarnation, and many other challenging concepts.

Accept the mystery means it’s OK to not know. Accepting a place of ignorance can make you open to ideas and lead to enlightenment. We may never know the truth about certain things, but if we first accept falsehoods, we will never explore, and that is the genuine tragedy.



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