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Darious Madoc crafts immersive narratives with a sharp edge, blending creative storytelling with in-depth reviews and insights across gaming, film, and culture.

Homecoming of City of Heroes: A Heroic Rebirth

Homecoming of City of Heroes: A Heroic Rebirth

City of Heroes Homecoming is an officially licensed server that invites users to adorn their caps and embark on a journey of of unimaged tales . A Return to One's Home as the Rhythmic Core of the City In the thriving world of City of Heroes, where friendship and

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Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen

Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen

The NDA has Lifted, with exception to Visuals, I cant show my footage, but I can speak about my experience. That said with out footage its difficult to convey the experiences, but lets continue. Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen's alpha testing has begun, and with it comes a

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It’s been a few years since the last boxing game came out that could be considered a real contender.

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Tranquil Bloom

Tranquil Bloom

The vast majority of games around us are full of intense moments. However there lies a precious find that entices gamers to take a moment, unwind, and discover peace. Tranquil Bloom is its name, and It’s far from your typical game. It’s filled with soothing background music that

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The Shift (Review)

The Shift (Review)

The Shift (Review) The shift by Angle studios is a story of a man named Kevin being tested by the devil in a multiverse theory version of The Book of Job. Kevin who finds himself being led to a café with the helping hand of a stranger. The event, which

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Criminals on Patrol: Robbed at Gunpoint by the Boys in Blue

Criminals on Patrol: Robbed at Gunpoint by the Boys in Blue

Highway Robbery by those we’re supposed to trust. You’re on vacation traveling the country when you see those red and blues flashing in your rearview mirror. You pull over, knowing you’ve done nothing wrong. The officer casually steps out of his vehicle and approaches your car. It’

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VoiceAttack Starter Guide

VoiceAttack Starter Guide

This Guide originally posted to my steam guide section Aug 3, 2020 for Spacebourne game on steam, since this guide was made spacebourne 2 has released. A simple Guide to entry level voice commands. Voice attack is a powerful application for using voice to control games or any other application

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PvP Skill is a Myth: Your PvP Skills Are Just an Illusion.

PvP Skill is a Myth: Your PvP Skills Are Just an Illusion.

The term PVP originated in MUDs, such as 1988 GemStone IV or 1989 Avalon: The Legend Lives. This was Pre-Internet as we know it today, but not for long. Avalon joined the Internet in 1994, along with another game that would rock the gaming world with it’s fast paced

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3 Rules to Open Your Mind

3 Rules to Open Your Mind

And find your truth in today's world. RULE 1: Question why you believe what you believe. Everything we believe comes from what we’re taught by those around us as we grew up. Those beliefs can go unchecked as we get older, leaving us vulnerable. Ask any 5-year-old

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The Golden Age of Gaming: A Look at Black Tiger

The Golden Age of Gaming: A Look at Black Tiger

For those who are unfamiliar, Black Tiger was an action-adventure arcade game. As you enter the game with minimal gear, or course, you embark on your quest. Progressing through the levels soon leads to finding old men frozen in place, as well as some store to buy new gear. One

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The Golden Age Gaming: A Personal Reflection

The Golden Age Gaming: A Personal Reflection

Growing up as a Gamer in the 70s and 80s: A Personal Account of Perplexity and Nostalgia As a young child growing up in the 70s and 80s, I was surrounded by the birth of video games and the arcade culture. My earliest memories of gaming were playing games like

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Cheating Waiters With a Broken Tip

Cheating Waiters With a Broken Tip

This article was written on Jan 8th of 2022 It’s time to abolish the barbaric practice of “tipped credit” allowing employers to use your tips to meet minimum wage requirements. Tip Credit: Section 3(m) of the FLSA permits an employer to take a tip credit toward its minimum

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