Crime Boss Rockay City is a Heist game mixed with city domination. The game plays out in both single player and multi player. In single player you take on the city as Travis Baker, a crime boss.

The goal is simple, but not so easy. Take over the city before the sheriff comes a knocking. During each day you have the option to conduct heist on a variety of targets, defend your territories or attack territories to gain more.
As each day passes the Sherriff's investigation increases, and once it hits 100 Percent he will come for you.
Win or lose, your game will begin a new in a roguelike fashion. You will level up your boss, and unlock abilities from other characters.
The story will progress with each "restart" giving a new insight to the characters within the city. Sounds simple enough. :) but rest assured chuck Norris "the Sheriff" is coming to thwart your plans.

Crime Boss Rockay city carries a notable cast of characters played by a variety of superstars. The Game carries a not so serious 4th wall breaking atmosphere, that rings of eighties nostalgia.
The game is a Rock N Roller Coaster between pulling off a fast heist, Taken over new turfs, and defending your own. All with the looming threat of "The sheriff" breathing down your neck.

The game carries over into multiplayer where you and any mixture of up to 3 friends or bots can embark on a variety of dangerous heists.
Successfully completing any of these missions will grant XP towards your Boss level, and cash for buying more team members (Bots) and weapon upgrades.
Team Members, in both single player and Multiplayer come with a range of skills, and weapon selections.

Gear up and grab your little friend for a heart pounding slaughter fest of gold hungry mobsters. Crime Boss Rockay city delivers that comedic gore fest I didn't know I needed.
Next time chuck, Next time.