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I remember when we used to play Street Fighter over at Rick’s house. We would spend hours on the couch, battling it out. Rick always played as Chun-Li or Dhalsim, while I preferred Ryu.
Despite our competitive nature, Rick and I were good friends. We’d spend hours joking around, and laughing at the dumb jokes. we often found ourselves coming up with funny names for our characters in games. I remember one in particular, Pie slicer. A name I gave one of my monk characters because at the time I found it funny to think of a monk slicing pies with a Karate chop.

However, there was nothing greater than those cookies his mom used to make.
Rick’s mom would always bring in a batch of cookies whenever we were at his house. She knew we loved to play Street Fighter and wanted to make sure there was something to snack on, and those cookies were absolutely delicious.
Unfortunately, Rick would get depressed when he lost. He took it hard, would often get pretty down on himself. However, when He took a bite of one of her warm, gooey creations, his mood would instantly improve. so I took solace in that, at least.
I felt guilty about winning so much. I knew he took it hard, and I didn’t want to be ruthless. But I couldn’t resist a win. I was just great at the game and I couldn’t see there might be something more important than my victory. Looking back, I wish I had thrown a few fights his way. He really was the best friend I’ve ever had.
Mortal Kombat entered the scene as I was older. I remember working at the arcade. It was one of the most memorable jobs I’ve had. I got to spend my days surrounded by the games I loved. Liu Kang was my favorite character in Mortal Kombat. I loved his style, and he reminded me of Bruce Lee. I lost countless hours playing, and even more quarters.
As I got better at the game, I competed in local tournaments, usually sponsored by a nearby business. I wasn’t the best player out there, but I was pretty good, and I could always hold my own. I took 3rd place once; it was just a tournament I stumbled upon walking through the mall, But I was proud of that achievement.

The face-to-face competition is what I remember most. When you’re playing in an arcade, you’re right there in the same room as your opponent. You can see the look of desperation on their face, and the pain in their eyes. There’s nothing sweeter than watching your opponent meltdown in front of you. It’s a feeling that’s hard to replicate with online gaming. There’s no lag, no chance for cheats, no excuse when you lost.
Nowadays, with online gaming, it feels disconnected. I don’t get to see their face when they lose, so it doesn’t feel as satisfying. Sure, the graphics are better and the gameplay is smoother, but it’s not the same as seeing the stress on their face.
I was up against Jake, a local arcade fanatic. He chose my character, Liu Kang. I didn’t enjoy playing against myself, but I wasn’t as good with the other characters. So I stayed with Liu Kang. It was just weird for me. It didn’t help that I could feel a cramp in my hands, not that I would tell anyone.
The fight lasted for what seemed like days. He was great at blocking many of my moves, which made the look on his face as I destroyed him the icing on the cake.
It wasn’t long before the Killer Instinct Tournament hit the scene. The arcade packed with people; The atmosphere was electric, and the tension unreal as the players began their battles.
I’d been preparing for this tournament for weeks. Spending countless hours honing my skills and perfecting my strategies. I had chosen Jago as my main character, a fighter who I felt matched my play style. I made my way through the early rounds with ease. My opponents were good, but I could outmaneuver them.
As I progressed through the tournament, it grew more fierce. We were all seasoned players, and many wanted to take me down.
The Next guy was a wrecking machine who had been tearing through the tournament, leaving a trail of defeated players in his wake. He had chosen Kilgore as his character, a powerful and deadly robot. I knew that this would be a tough fight, but that just made victory all the better.
The match began. We engaged, each of us determined. I felt my adrenaline pumping as I dodged and blocked, using every ounce of skill and strategy I had.
The match was intense and felt like forever. But in the end, He had emerged victorious. I had taken 4th place. Despite the loss, I felt a sense of pride. I had given it my all, and I had come very close to taking him down. He was just better than me, and that was ok.
That tournament was one of the most memorable experiences of my life. I had come very close. It saddens me to think as I look back, there won’t be a next time.
Working at the arcade was one of the best experiences of my life. I got to spend my days surrounded by the games I loved. I remember the feeling of competition and the satisfaction of victory. And even though the arcades are not popular anymore, those memories will always stay with me.