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The Dark Side of Tipping: Unveiling the Issues.
I’m sure she was exaggerating, or just really lucky, but this got me to thinking about my bill as I sipped my coffee, which was 36 dollars. A median bill for us. I’ve had a lot higher, but also a bit lower.

Criminals on Patrol: Robbed at Gunpoint by the Boys in Blue
Highway Robbery by those we’re supposed to trust. You’re on vacation traveling the country when you see those red and blues flashing in your rearview mirror. You pull over, knowing you’ve done nothing wrong. The officer casually steps out of his vehicle and approaches your car. It’

3 Rules to Open Your Mind
And find your truth in today's world. RULE 1: Question why you believe what you believe. Everything we believe comes from what we’re taught by those around us as we grew up. Those beliefs can go unchecked as we get older, leaving us vulnerable. Ask any 5-year-old

Cheating Waiters With a Broken Tip
This article was written on Jan 8th of 2022 It’s time to abolish the barbaric practice of “tipped credit” allowing employers to use your tips to meet minimum wage requirements. Tip Credit: Section 3(m) of the FLSA permits an employer to take a tip credit toward its minimum