The beekeeper; A wild ride of quirky banter filled with inconsistencies.
Jason Statham portrays a retired beekeeper that goes by the name of Adam clay.
The movies kicks off in a similar fashion as john wick, when Adam Clay discovers a friend has committed suicide after scammers drained several accounts she was managing. Amazingly as Adam clay is discovering this, as her daughter, an FBI Agent walks in.
It’s now that we begin a Adam clay chases bad guy, and FBI chases Adam clay in a repeatable circle of events. The movie is entertaining, and “almost” good. The number one issue is the Telling, followed up with the inconsistent characters.
Set in a world where Beekeepers are an elite secret agency filled with agents capable of making navy seals look like pussy’s. A claim straight from the movie.
You're a pussy scene
On several occasions the audience is told the beekeepers are badass. A bold claim, and one hard to believe when watching the blatantly obvious choregraphed fight scenes.
We know it's Hollywood, we know it's all for show, but please make an attempt to make it believable.
There's an old saying among writers, Show don't Tell.
Despite that, At every possible chance were told how tough and badass the Beekeepers are, and yet we’re met with scenes like this.

Adam clay is greeted by his replacement, Kelly Krane an active Beekeeper who's orders are to kill Adam Clay. Orders received in similar fashion as John Wick, with the secret switchboard style operators.
The problem with Kelly Krane, is this beekeeper is flashy, unhinged, and reliant on high tech weapons.
This is not an elite killing machine, trained in covert skills, getting things done unseen. it’s the Joker. A psychopath making big waves that draws unnecessary attention. Kelly Krane doesn't fit the "Beekeeper" image.
The worst part is Kelly Krane isn't even the most challenging opponent Adam clay faces in the movie. An Active Beekeeper, is less of a threat than other opponents Adam clay faces. This strikes right at the idea presented in the above video, that Beekeepers are far and above tougher than "known" elite military groups.
The movie continues on with laughable sceneries staged to portray Adam clay, the Beekeeper as this unstoppable force. The movie is hilarious at times, but in that kung Fury kind of way.
The Beekeeper is entertaining, it's quirky, and may one day be a cult classic as it feels more like a parody of John Wick than a serious endeavor.