Tactic boxing recently released on steam is another addition filling boxing genre of gaming. Tactic Boxing brings a variation on the gameplay by using a third eye camera angle.
This camera gives a wide view of the entire ring.

Movement around the ring using this camera is a little daunting, and can take some time to get accustomed. Moving away from your opponent means pressing your analog stick down.

Moving towards your opponent works similarly. You press up on your analog stick.

This movement system can get a little awkward when in areas of the ring like this. Being in an upper corner. Pressing up would move you towards the opponent where he’s blocking the path. Can't press down, the ring would also block your movement itself. So what do you do?

You circle around him by using the left and right portions of the analog stick. your boxer lightly tethered to the opponent when moving left or right, and will circle him.

This system of movement doesn't really feel very natural, and has received complaints from the community.

The Games control creates a bit of a learning curve to get into the game. That being said; it’s a decent boxing game for single player or split screen pvp considering it’s around the $10 Dollar price.
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